วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Shopping for Auto Insurance Online, is it Safe?

I have had my identity stolen and now I am very sceptical of shopping online for anything. I am looking to try to save money on my auto insurance by shopping around but can only find companies who want to give me a free online auto insurance quote. People aren't aware that during this online process you must enter your social security number, and all your personal informaion online. That is Crazy!!!

Do people really think that this is SAFE way to shop for auto insurance?

Stick with the major carriers websites. Avoid web sites not associated with a major carrier that offer comparative quotes. The quotes you receive will be estimates and the result will be that the policy will not be issued at the price that was quoted.

You might also look to be sure you are on a secured site. look for "https" in the URL.

P.S. Are you secure in your knowledge of the appropriate coverages. Lots more to auto insurance than price. Speaking of pricing you might also passing up a hefty multi policy discount by shopping your auto insurance apart from your homeowners insurance.

If you're going straight to a company website, like www.progressive.com, it's safe. If you're going through a "rate comparison" service, well, they're harvesting your information, to sell it to agents as leads.

No one charges for auto quotes. They are ALWAYS free. AND, your rates are based on your CREDIT score, so that's why you have to enter that stuff in.

The SAFEST way, is to shop in person, at a local, independent agent's office. You give them the information, they give you quotes with a dozen different companies.

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