An auto insurance quote is an estimate of how much it will cost to insure you and your vehicle.
It is not a set in stone price, especially quotes done online. You will need to speak with an agent for the specific price for your policy.
It is based on your driving record, where you live, the car you are insuring, and the type of coverage you want.
You ask an insurance company for a rate quote. They will tell you what you insurance will cost you based on your car, your age, your gender, where you live, how much you drive, your credit score, and your driving record. If you give them your social security number, you will get a more accurate quote. It's best to get quotes from a number of different companies (quotes are free). Here's an article that has more details:
When you call or go on an insurance companies website and give them the necessary information they need to tell you how much your insurance payments will be annually or monthly. Then you can shop around with insurance companies to see who will give you the best policy for you!
mike vick supporter, Try getting an online insurance quote from one of the major insurance providers.
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