วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Girlfriend as spouse for auto insurance?

What could happen to me if I claim my girlfriend as my spouse on my auto insurance quote to get a better quote?

You're committing insurance fraud, which companies prosecute with a vengeance! Don't do it.

Depends on the company. Some companies dont even check. If you have been living together for a certain amount of time, then you can try to get the policy under "common law marriage" which is living together (CA is 5 or more years) for a set period of time but never tied the knot. The company will give you the married discount, but most companies want to see proof of marriage if the last names are different. If you add a spouse that is not really your spouse and you dont have proof, you could be subject to insurance fraud which is a minimum fine of $20,000 and/or 1 year in jail. If it is just a quote and you havent done it yet, then there is nothing wrong with that. A quote is just a quote.

Why would you lie about that to save money, knowing when (if) you have an accident - they will figure it out and you have just wasted all your premiums. The best thing to do is tell the truth - otherwise, you don't need to buy insurance.

If you live with your girlfriend, call them up and ask if they have a "significant other" arrangement. You might just get the same benefit by being honest.

It wont matter if you claim her to be wife, sister, girlfriend or mother. It all counts as the same, she is a driver on the policy, end of story. In Texas you dont save money by having more than one driver, only more than one car.

Well, if you ever break up, you won't be able to take her off your policy without a divorce decree. Which you can't get.

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