If you are only getting a quote for insurance , then no it does not have a effect your credit score. The only time your credit score is affected is each time a credit check is done, plus, any business that wants to do a credit check is required by federal law to ask for your permission and they must have your social security number in order to get the results on the right person. A friendly tip on insurance quotes, shop at the "one company" insurance agencies like state farm, allstate, nationwide, etc. stay away from independent insurance agents.
Gillian G. and Silverstang ...........YES, each time a inquiry is done on your credit. YOU LOOSE POINTS ON YOUR BEACON SCORE.
i do not think so
They check your credit score because it may affect your auto insurance quote. If you have a good credit score you may get a lower quote. It doesn't affect your score if they just look. There's a good explanation of this on this website:
If they actually pull your credit, then YES your credit will be affected. Each time your credit is pulled it takes away from your beakon score. Normally an insurance quote does not require a credit check so you should be ok if they don't pull your credit.
Just by them looking at your credit score does nothing. It won't hurt anything at all. Is best to do that anyways, maybe ask them if you can view too to make sure your stuff is straight.
I would not think so.
you lose one point for an inquiry
HEY, you've seen the lizard. Listen to the little guy. (he's green)
Getting a quote won't hurt your credit score. Are you kidding? At 25 you don't have any credit.
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